How water regulations affects water storage & management for pigs – water is an invaluable resource and an essential input in animal production. In the UK it is a legal requirement all pigs have ready access to good quality, clean water. The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007 state that “All pigs over two weeks of age must have continuous access to a sufficient quantity of fresh drinking water”.
Water Requirements for Pigs
Pigs are heavily reliant on water given that piglets are 80% water reducing the 50% for market-ready pigs. The specific water needs of a pig vary by age, activity level, and temperature, but range from half a gallon for piglets to six gallons for lactating sows’ Low water consumption has a number of observable effects including reduced weight gain, reduced milk production, and lower weaning weight which in turn affect profitability.
How Water Regulations Affect Water Management for Pigs
Water regulations affect water management for pigs as water cisterns in farms come under the scope of Fluid Category 5 AB air gaps. The installation and use of cold-water storage cisterns and sectional tanks connected to the public water supply must comply with Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 in England and Wales. Fluid category 5 Fluid representing a serious health hazard because of the concentration of pathogenic organisms, radioactive or very toxic substances, including any fluid which contains–faecal material or other human waste; butchery or other animal waste; pathogens from any other source.
Our Fluid Category 5 Break Tanks offer pig farmers the perfect solution for storing water hygienically and safely for their livestock. In some instances, if the tank is sited outside the tank may require to be insulated to reduce height gain from the sun.
More details on water regulations and fluid categories here
Monitoring water supply
Interruptions to mains water supplies can happen from bad weather, pipe damage or sometimes due to low pressure. Livestock’s need for water doesn’t change and it’s vital that farmers ensure that they can deal with any such interruptions and should put measures in place so that there is always enough water in reserve to provide at least 24 hours of hydration. Monitoring water supply to a building can establish usage patterns and in turn can be used to monitor changes in drinking behaviour, as a result of environmental temperature or disease outbreak. Trials have shown that change in water consumption can be apparent before clinical signs of a disease outbreak are there.
Poultry farming is also heavily reliant on water as poultry typically consumes twice as much water as feed. This can increase by to four times as much in hot weather up to a litre per bird, with fast-growing meat birds consuming the most. Inadequate hydration in poultry can lead to decreased productivity, lower weight gain, stress, and feather loss, again impacting profitability.
Water Bowsers and Transport Tanks
Enduramaxx manufactures a range of site and slows tow water bowsers up to 10,000 litres designed for farm use, water transport and pressure washing. These are available with a wide range of water pumps and pressure washers to suit your requirements. Our range of site tow bowsers can be found here.
Enduramaxx skid water bowsers provide an economic, cost-effective option for bulk water transport around your farm. Water bowsers have been designed to withstand rough treatment when work is getting done as they are mounted on a galvanised frame. These skid bowsers can mount into a grain trailer and available with a choice of water pumps.
View our horizontal transport tanks here
For more details on how water regulations affects water storage & management for pigs or on the range of vertical water tanks and bowsers please get in touch.
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