10m3 Conical Tanks for Yorkshire Bakery – rotationally moulded conical tanks for wastewater settlement customised with fitted flanges.
Chemical Oxygen Demand COD is an important water quality parameter as it provides an index to assess the effect discharged wastewater will have on the environment. High COD levels mean more oxidizable organic material which will reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. A reduction in DO can lead to anaerobic conditions which are harmful to higher aquatic life forms.
In wastewater solids including suspended and settled depending on the levels can often be treated in settling tanks. Suspended solids are small solid particles that often remain in suspension in water due to the motion of the water. Settleable solids are particles that will settle over time without water movement as their weight by volume is greater than water.
Our industrial conical settling tanks are available from 100 to 30,000 litres with increased wall thickness for liquids of specific gravities of 1.5 SG & 2 SG. Customization including flanges to mount to pumps, pipework, mixers as well as sockets for level probes. These plastic tanks are rotationally moulded and from PE and PP for storage of different chemicals and UV stabilised for outside use.
Enduramaxx Limited is a long established in rotational moulding supplying chemical tanks through the UK and Europe. We are continually focussed on our commitments to our customers to provide the highest levels of service, quality of product and safety. We offer an extensive range of products manufactured from rainwater tanks, bulk storage tanks, bunded chemical tanks and conical tanks for treatment and settling. Our ISO 9001, UKAS, WRAS & DWI accreditations ensure we can stand behind our unsurpassed quality and product guarantees offering clients total peace of mind when specifying, sourcing, and installing Enduramaxx products.
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