Correct Ferric Chloride Storage is essential for this chemical as although it is a popular, versatile, cost-effective solution to drinking water treatment, it does present storage challenges. This chemical needs to be stored in a bunded tank or in a bunded enclosure.
Ferric Chloride, also known as Iron (III) Chloride, Iron Trichloride and FeCl3, is a mineral hydrate solution. Ferric chloride is an orange to brown-black solid and slightly soluble in water and when wet it is corrosive to aluminium and most metals – but non-combustible.
Whilst commonly used as an etching agent during the production of electronic circuit boards is also used in the water industry as a flocculant during wastewater treatment. Ferric chloride is one most concentrated forms of iron commercially available for drinking water treatment with its unique functions as a reactant to remove impurities from the water acting as a coagulant and flocculent.
Ferric Chloride has the following benefits for drinking water treatment operations:
Other uses of ferrous chloride in wastewater treatment include:
Enduarmaxx manufactures a range of storage tanks as single skin or double-walled bunded tanks up to 30,000 litres. These tanks can be fitted with fill pipes, flanges and level gauges to suit existing pipework and tanker filling requirements.
For more details for correct ferric chloride storage, pricing or availability of storage vessels please get in touch.