Getting Your Sprayer Ready For Spring: 5 Essential Steps

For anyone involved in agriculture, spring is a busy time of year. With so much to get done in these months, you cannot afford any kind of equipment downtime. A very important spring task for many is spraying. It really is worth giving your sprayer the once over before you use it to ensure it performs to its best. Winter storage can really play havoc on machinery like this after all!

But What Are 6 Great Tips To Get Your Sprayer Spring-Ready?

1. Inspect The Sprayer Visually

You might have your hoover, clean water, bucket and cloth ready but don’t start cleaning yet. The very first thing to do is simply give your sprayer a visual inspection. The most common things people spot at this stage are cracks in the water tank, loose bolts and worn-out parts. If your sprayer is on wheels, make sure to check its tyre pressure at this stage too. If you find any issues, it is crucial to fix them before moving on. If they cannot be fixed, then you will need to buy new parts to fit.

2. Give The Tank A Clean

The tank is a crucial part of your sprayer and must be in top condition. Wiping it out before filling it with water is wise, as this removes any dust or bugs which have built up inside it. Many people will use their hoover to get their tank spotlessly clean.

3. Give The Nozzles A Clean

The next step is to fill your tank with water and test the rate of flow your nozzles provide. If you find that any nozzles spray more than 10% of their original output, it is best to change them.

4. Flush Water Through Your Sprayer

Now everything is cleaner and checked over, you need to run water through your sprayer. This allows you to check for any leaks and confirm it is all working as it should.

5. Test The Whole Thing Out

Once you have run water through to check for leaks, it is also wise to do a test run on a field. Naturally, you should just use clean water for this and address any issues you pick up on afterwards.

Sprayer Tanks From Enduramaxx

When getting your sprayer ready for spring, you may notice that the old tank is beyond repair and you need a new one. Here at Enduramaxx, we have 60 & 90 litres, also, tanks for our demount and trailed sprayers. All of our tanks are made from high-grade polyethylene for amazing durability. Order online today or get in touch on 01778 562810 for more details.

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