What Are The Potential Uses Of Recycled Rainwater?

What are the potential uses of recycled rainwater? Water is a natural resource that many people take for granted. It is well known that much of the water we use does not have to be purified (potable/of drinking water quality). 

Conservative estimates indicate that in domestic applications, 55% of the water used could be substituted for rainwater. This figure increases to 85% of water when considering the amount of water used for commerce, industry, and agriculture which can be used from water collected from a rainwater harvesting system.

Five Most Common Uses for Enduramaxx Rainwater Harvesting Tanks

  1. Garden Watering – Some homes use hundreds of litres of drinkable water each year watering their garden, either through hosepipes or watering cans or through automated sprinkler systems.
  2. Car Washing – An average hosepipe will race through around 10 litres per minute, while a domestic bucket may hold 15 litres of water. Pressure washers for car washing can also be used by collecting rainwater stored in a rainwater storage tank or water butt.
  3. Filling Ponds & Other Garden Features – Ponds too are far better topped up with rainwater due to its soft nature and the fact that it is free from chlorine residue.
  4. Flushing Toilets – For this purpose, rainwater requires nothing more than good filtration, to remove debris and particles that might otherwise discolour the water or block valves.
  5. Clothes Washing – Harvested rainwater can be used for the washing machine for washing clothes, particularly in hard water areas.

Ecological benefits of Rainwater Recycling

Water is a resource which is under pressure as demand for water grows throughout the world. There are many ecological benefits of rainwater recycling as follows.

  1. We can reduce dependence on mains water supply and other water storage infrastructure such as dams
  2. Recycled water can be used for the creation of new wetlands and help expand those which already exist
  3. Water bills for domestic and commercial can be significantly reduced
  4. Drinking water supply can are under less pressure as recycled rainwater can be used for toilets, irrigation, etc.
  5. Rainwater harvesting can help in reducing erosion, flooding, etc.

Rainwater Harvesting Site Visits & Installers

Enduramaxx work with many installers around the UK who can carry out site visits and water use and savings audits around water quality issues surrounding the treatment and reuse of rainwater. Rainwater collected from the roof of your house, agricultural building, office block, restaurant, manufacturing, or industrial building can be the capture area to provide high-quality water for reuse. We can work with you to develop a rainwater recycling system which will work for you from our range of above and below ground rainwater harvesting storage tanks.


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