What Is A PH Correction Tank? Treatment of Effluent Before Drain

A pH Correction Tank is a tank Is designed to store water for long enough for the water to be treated with acid or alkaline so that neutralised effluent can be returned to drain.

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pH Correction Tanks are generally fitted with a top-mounted mixer to improves the efficiency and speed at which the chemical reagent works in the tank reducing the contact time for neutralisation. These incoming and outgoing flows in the pH neutralisation system are generally controlled by pumps activated by level controllers and low-level floats switches.

What Is PH Correction?

pH is a measure of the degree of acidity of the water and measured on a scale of 0-14 pH units. On this scale low numbers being acidic, 7 being neutral and higher values being classed as alkaline. Most water is a few units on either side of neutral with the regulatory standard for pH in drinking water between 6.5 and 9.5. Many water supplies derived from a source in peaty upland areas will be slightly acidic due to dissolved organic acids.

Acidic water results in the corrosion of pipework and heating cylinders or equipment and iron/manganese present will result in poor tasting water in addition to staining baths, basins, and any appliances with which the water may come into contact.

pH in Wastewater Treatment

PH has a direct influence on wastewater treatability whether treatment is physical, chemical, or biological.   It is a critical component of the makeup of the wastewater and important to control the pH so that effective treatment can occur.   The pH of the effluent water affects the separation of other pollutants from the water where treatment plants are removing suspended solids from water.  pH controllers are used to correcting pH levels to the desired range to enable coagulants (chemicals that clump together small particle solids) to operate efficiently and bring particle solids in suspension together to enable efficient removal from water.

What Chemicals Are Used To Adjust pH?

The most common chemicals used for neutralizing acids or bases are sodium hydroxide (50%) and sulfuric acid (98%). To raise the pH of an acidic liquid, sodium carbonate, ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide (lime) or magnesium hydroxide can also be used.

Enduramaxx PH Correction Tank

Enduramaxx manufactures a range of tank which are suitable for pH correction either with a flat base, but more commonly shallow cone bottom tanks are used.  These enable a complete drain of the tank through the conical sump under the tank.   Our chemical dosing tanks with secondary containment for the storage of chemicals for pH Correction are available here.

View our conical tanks online here.

If you would like more information on water treatment tanks, or to know more about What is a PH Correction Tank – please get in touch.

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