Enduramaxx Blog

Golf Course Irrigation Design, Above & Below Ground Tanks

Golf Course Irrigation Design & Systems, good weather arriving brings on challenges for golf...

What is Category 5 (CAT 5) Water Supply? And what does category 5 mean?

What is Category 5 (CAT 5) Water Supply? And what does category 5 mean? Fluid category 5 (CAT 5) is...

What Is A Sludge Holding Tank; Why Are They Used?

A sludge holding tanks is needed to store sludge from whatever source. The sludges can be primary...

Rainwater Harvesting In Three Easy Steps

Rainwater harvesting in three easy steps – knowing the best way to harvest rainwater is an...

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) - Where Is Used In The Process

How does a dissolved air flotation system work? Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems are...

Tips on Tanks and Mixer Selection

Why you should consider saving money with mixer tanks from Enduramaxx? Processes, mixers,...

10 Steps You Should Follow To Ensure Safe Chemical Storage

Sometimes it is necessary to store hazardous chemicals in the workplace. This should be done with...

Large Tanks for Rainwater, Wastewater, Sludge & Chemical Storage

Large plastic water tanks have many applications. We use them for irrigation, aquaculture, storing...

Maximise Rainwater Capture: How to Find the Right Tank Size

Maximise Rainwater Capture – How to find the right tank size and identifying how to maximise the...

Types of Industrial Storage Tanks Explained

Industrial storage tanks are storage vessels used for the storage of process water whether it be...