Enduramaxx Blog

5 Ways You Can Use Rainwater in Your Home

Rainwater reuse can be a very effective measure to counter potential summer water shortages, and it...

Hosepipe Bans? No Problem! Continue to Use a Hosepipe During a Ban With Rainwater Tanks

Many horticultural businesses and farms were affected by the severe drought and hosepipe...

How To Clean A Drinking Water Tank

Drinking water should be refreshing, not unnerving. Tank maintenance is central to getting the...

How Does A Commercial Rainwater Harvesting System Work?

Rainwater harvesting systems can cut down water bills and improve sustainability in a wide range of...

Water Tanks And Water Bowsers… What’s The Difference?

They may look similar, but there are a few crucial differences between water tanks and water bowsers

Water Bowsers For Livestock Farming: What Are The Benefits?

Providing adequate water supplies for livestock outside of the mains water network can be...

What Is Rainwater Harvesting And What Can It Be Used For?

Rainwater harvesting is becoming something of a buzzword among businesses and homeowners alike, but...

Baffled Water Tanks From Enduramaxx – Frequently Asked Questions (Part II)

Baffled water tanks come in an extensive variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, and are perfect for...

What Is The Wastewater Treatment Process?

Wastewater sludge can cause environmental devastation unless it is treated to remove harmful...

5 Tips To Prevent Algae Growth In Drinking Water Tanks

Capable of causing serious illness in humans and animals, algae is one of the primary threats to...