Which Is Better? Above-Ground Vs Underground Water Storage Tanks


Water storage tanks are a popular choice for many businesses seeking effective ways to reduce their water consumption and lower their utility bills. Available as above-ground and underground solutions, water storage tanks facilitate the efficient collection of rainwater for redistribution or reuse on site and, therefore, are suited to a variety of industries.

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Choosing the best option for your site, however, can be a tricky decision, as there are advantages and disadvantages to above-ground and underground tanks. In this article, we will outline the main considerations to help you to make an informed decision.

Underground Vs Above-Ground Water Tanks: The Pros And Cons

Both underground and above-ground water tanks are a cost-effective and efficient way to harvest rainwater and reduce your business’s dependency on mains water. While the principles are the same whichever type of tank you install, there are important advantages and disadvantages to consider:

Underground Water Tank Advantages

  • Buried underground, these tanks are out of sight, making them ideal if you have limited space or don’t want the aesthetics of your premises to be disturbed by a visible tank.

  • Underground water holding tanks are protected from extreme heat and cold – an important considering as climate change causes fluctuating weather patterns in the UK.

  • Underground water tanks are safe from vandalism and other criminal activity.

Underground Water Tank Disadvantages

  • Excavation is needed to create space for the underground water tank, which increases the cost of installation.

  • Additional costs must be factored in for the reinforcement of the underground plastic water tank and the installation of a pump to recover water from it.

  • Being concealed beneath the ground, it is difficult to assess the tank for damage and the water is more likely to become contaminated with dirt and debris.

Above-Ground Water Tank Advantages

  • Above-ground water storage tanks are extremely cost-effective, as they can be positioned in a suitable place with no need to excavate the soil.

  • Maintenance is easier to carry out than a below ground tank as it is accessible at any time.

  • If you relocate to different premises, the water tank can be removed, transported, and reinstalled for a low price.

Above-Ground Water Tank Disadvantages

  • Above-ground water tanks can be susceptible to freezing in the winter and, in summer, can heat up in hot weather. Additional insulation will be needed to protect the tank from cracking.

  • The tank may be an eyesore on your premises as it is difficult to make it look attractive. Additional expenditure may be necessary to shield the tank from view, such as erecting a fence or screen.

  • Above-ground water tanks may be targeted by criminals, so protective measures may be necessary.

Contact Us For More Information

Ultimately, there is no single answer as to whether above-ground or underground water storage tanks are better: it all depends on your business’s unique needs.

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of polyethylene water tanks, bowsers, and rainwater harvesting tanks, Enduramaxx can offer expert advice to help you to make the right decision for your business.

To find out more, please download our free Fluid Management Guide or call us on 01778 562810.

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