Is Your Underground Water Tank Safe?

Enduramaxx underground water tank that is safe

Underground plastic water tanks are often chosen for their convenience and efficiency. Unlike their above-ground counterparts, they are inconspicuous, making them particularly suitable for users with limited ground space or who wish to preserve the aesthetics of their premises. Underground tanks offer excellent protection against extremes of temperature – a benefit that is becoming more important at a time of extraordinary weather – and are also out of the sight of vandals and thieves.

Talk to Our Experts About Underground Water Tanks

However, it’s understandable that many people may question the safety of underground water storage tanks. In this article, we’ll explain why they are perfectly safe and are a logical alternative to above-ground tanks in many situations.

Why Underground Water Tanks Are A Safe Solution

Water tank safety is a priority at all stages of the design, manufacture, and installation of underground storage facilities. Because the tank will be submerged beneath the ground level, it will, of course, be out of sight, so it is vital that it is constructed and installed to exceptionally high quality to avoid unseen problems.

So, why should you be confident that underground water tanks are safe?

Robust And Durable Design

Underground water tanks are moulded as a single piece of polyethylene or GRP, materials which are globally renowned for their strength and durability. Despite being lightweight, GRP, for instance, is also used in architecture and construction because it is known to be strong and long lasting. When installing an underground water tank constructed from these materials, you can be confident that it will perform to a high standard for many years.

A Leak-Free Solution

Because underground water tanks are constructed from strong and durable materials, they are highly unlikely to develop leaks. This means that you won’t be constantly losing water into the surrounding earth and dirt won’t be able to contaminate the water either. It’s clearly difficult to repair or service a water tank that is stored underground, so only the strongest materials are used in construction to ensure that problems don’t arise after installation.

A Safer Alternative

Underground water tanks are a safer solution than above-ground tanks. Protected by the surrounding earth, they aren’t subjected to the everyday stresses that occur above-ground level, such as extreme heat and cold, high winds, rain, frost, and snow. Unlike above-ground tanks, no additional insulation is required to protect the shell from cracking, while the pressure changes that could cause the tank to burst don’t occur.

Find Out More

To find out more about our extensive range of high-quality underground water holding tanks, please download our free Fluid Management Guide or call our expert team today on 01778 562810.

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