Last month a Northallerton farmer harvested what could well be the highest yield of rapeseed ever recorded. With 7.2t/ha, the crop way outweighs the UK national average of 4t/ha. The restored hybrid variety, Incentive, grew well for a number of reasons attributed by the farmer, Steve Tuer.
To begin with, the farm used to be a dairy farm, so there is thought to be a lot of inherent fertility in the soil. Secondly, slurry from the farm’s 600-sow and pig fattening unit is spread back onto the 1000 acres of arable land. The fertiliser was applied in four splits, totalling 220KG of nitrogen as urea and foliar nitrogen was applied in June within the second sclerotinia spray. According to Farming UK, the farm administered a conventional spray program comprising an autumn phoma and Light Leaf Spot spray of Frelizon (pentiopyrad + picoxystrobin), followed by an early spring application of Monkey (tebuconazole + Prochloraz), and combined with the nutrition product Headland Bo-La (boron + molybdenum). The scelertonia programme then consisted of Recital (Fluopyram + Protioconazole) at early flower, followed up three weeks later with Proline (prothioconazole) in tank mix with Nufol (foliar nitrogen).
To get the most out of the fluctuating margins associated with liquid fertilisers, Enduramaxx liquid fertiliser tanks enable farmers to store fertiliser in optimum conditions, removing the likelihood of spillage and waste. Enduramaxx liquid fertiliser tanks are manufactured from UV-stabilised polyethylene and are fitted with moulded lungs to allow for easy lifting when empty. Available in sizes up to 30,000 litres, farmers can benefit from bulk buying liquid fertiliser, thus bringing even more savings.
To see the Enduramaxx range of liquid fertiliser tanks, click here, and to speak to a member of our team, find our contact information here.
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