Enduramaxx Blog

Why Invest In Chemical Holding Tanks?

For many years companies that manufacture chemical, carry out water treatment, chemical and food...

Components of a Wastewater Treatment System

A wastewater treatment system is designed to treat wastewater from factories, agriculture and...

Sludge Dewatering Tanks

Sludge Dewatering Tanks are used for various mainly in the water treatment industry. In the main...

Save Water With The Best Quality Rainwater Tanks Above & Below Tanks

Save Water with the Best Quality Rainwater Tanks, for those living on rural properties and running...

Rainwater Harvesting: FAQs

Rainwater Harvesting FAQs – rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting rainwater that lands...

CAD Drawings Available For Our Tanks

CAD Drawings Available to help with your next project! Without CAD files, designing your wastewater...

Small Conical Tanks For Biofuel, Brewery, Process, Blending And Mixing

Our small conical cone tanks are used in many applications for storage of liquids, biofuel,...

Cone Tanks For Solids Settling: Up To 30,000 Litre Tanks

Cone tanks for solids settling – many fine solids that cannot be screened can be settled in cone...

Challenging Perceptions of Plastic For Transport Tanks

Challenging Perceptions Of Plastic for Transport Tanks – when looking for water bowsers for...

Settlement Tank Systems, Concept, 3D Design To Delivery

From 3D design to delivery Enduramaxx works with a number of designing and developing tank farms...