Enduramaxx Blog

Rainwater Harvesting - Sustainable Solution, Sustainable Future

Rainwater harvesting is one of the methods we have available to collect and use our water...

Sludge Treatment & Dewatering: Tanks For Wastewater Treatmetnt

Sludge Treatment & Dewatering – sludge is generally a thick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous...

Fume-Tight Tanks For Acid Storage: Why Are They Important?

Fume-Tight Tanks For Acid Storage – some acids must be stored in sealed tanks such as Hydrochloric...

How Is Commercial Bakery Wastewater Treated?

Bakery wastewater contains high levels of contaminants including FOG (fat, oils, grease), solids,...

Plastic Storage Tanks For Acids, Chemicals And Process Water

Our plastic storage tanks for acids, chemicals and process water are one-piece moulded tanks and...

What Is Regulation 5 Of The Drinking Water Inspectorate?

Regulation 5 of the drinking water inspectorate is to prevent the use of products or substances...

Best Water Tanks for Gardens: Buyers Guide

Choosing the best water tanks for gardens can be a challenge, a water tank that is too small will...

Plastic Tanks For Chemical Storage: Single Wall & Bunded

Enduramaxx manufactures a range of plastic tanks for chemical storage including Admix storage...

What Are The Potential Uses Of Recycled Rainwater?

What are the potential uses of recycled rainwater? Water is a natural resource that many people...

What Is Flocculation And Flash Mixing In Water Treatment

Flash Mixing and Flocculation in industrial wastewater treatment is a complex process in which...