Enduramaxx Blog

New Cone Bottom Tanks For Waste Water And Settlement

Enduramaxx has been providing a broad range of cone tanks and open top cone tanks to farming and...

Grants Available For Rainwater

Farmers Guardian brings us promising news for farming recently. £19 million is being made available...

Plastic Rainwater Tanks To Counter Water Abstraction Limits

Water was high on the agenda at this year’s Cereals event. As reported by Farmers Weekly, speaking...

Farmers Respond To Water Consultation: Rainwater Harvesting Tanks A Solution

Farmers will have had to have responded to a government consultation by this week which aims to...

Rainwater Harvesting Tanks And Liquid Fertiliser Tanks For Increased Fertility

Teagasc/GIIL which monitors Irish farms has highlighted the importance of fertility in terms of...

Rainwater Harvesting Tanks: Not Just For UK Farming

As we continue to hear reports of some of the highest levels of rainfall in the UK since records...

Enduraramaxx Rainwater Harvesting Tanks Saving Labour In Malawi

Enduramaxx Water Tanks can be found as far afield as Malawi. Tambala, Malawi in fact; a small...