Enduramaxx Blog

How Enduramaxx Is Helping Microbreweries To Pull The Perfect Pint

With close to 1000 microbreweries opening throughout the UK since the start of the century, the...

Bid To Open Farm In Hull City Centre: Rainwater Harvesting Tanks At The Ready

According to the Yorkshire Post, members of the public in Hull are being urged to get behind a...

Farmers Prefer Liquid Fertiliser: Enduramaxx Liquid Fertiliser Tanks

Farmers have been demonstrating a preference for liquid fertiliser, according to Farming UK. Many...

Norfolk And Suffolk Farmers Water Worry: Rainwater Tanks Can Help

Farmers growing irrigated crops in Norfolk and Suffolk are taking steps to protect their businesses...

Land Cooperative Creates 20 Farms: Rainwater Harvesting On The Agenda

We spoke last week on the rise of urban farming and how a new portable ‘farm in a box’ system can...

World Water Day Celebrated – Rainwater Harvesting Tanks

With nearly 750 million people throughout the world having no access to clean drinking water or...

Cone Bottom Tanks For Biodiesel Production

Fuel prices may have stabilised somewhat in recent months, but who would have thought a few years...

Potable Tanks For Drinking Water Storage

With all of the recent talk surrounding water restrictions in farming, from abstraction...